Rectangular Goniate Box


Rectangular Goniatite & Orthoceras fossil box,

Size;  12.5cm x 7.5cm x 4.5cm weight;

Ref No. 3012



Rectangular Goniatite & Orthoceras box, measuring 12.5cm x 7.5cm  

This lovely rectangular Goniatite box is made from stone that contains numerous fossils, mostly nautiloids with a large Goniatite on the lid. These fossils date back to the Devonian period, 390 million years ago. The box measures 12.5cm x 7.5cm and this would be the perfect place for storing any precious ‘little treasures’.

Goniatites are very similar to ammonites but they are a considerable amount older. They are classified as Ammonoids and the easiest way of telling them apart are the different zig zag patterns in the suture lines. Unlike ammonites goniatites generally lived in inland seas with swampy saline conditions. Ammonites meanwhile lived mostly in open seas and oceans. Goniatites became extinct during the Permian Period.

The Orthoceras Nautiloid is an extinct form of cephalopod, a marine creature, related to todays squid. The actual name orthoceras actually means ‘straight horn’ because of their straight conical shell. As with the ammonites these molluscs repeatedly grew additional new chambers as they grew larger. These had a septa or dividing wall between the new chamber and the old one. On the fossils the septa is visible as the lines running at right angles though the fossil. These creatures ranged in size from a few millimetres to over 4 metres in length.

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