Gemstone Bowls & Boxes
Gemstone Bowls, Dishes & Boxes
We try to always keep an interesting selection of Gemstone Bowls, Dishes & Boxes on our web site. Natural Crystals and Minerals really are perfectly suited to be made into beautiful and useful objects. After all humans have been doing just that since time began. There are numerous examples in museums all over the world. Intricately made stone dishes and bowls, sometimes thousands of years old. What better place to keep your favourite little treasures. A bowl or box made from a colourful gemstone or beautiful mineral.
With some of the more transparent and translucent minerals the challenge is to make the bowl thin enough to allow light pass through. Moss Agate is a perfect example, but when it is skilfully cut the results are superb. These really are works of art just on their own. Even better if you can find the perfect position, one that allows natural light to bring out the beauty of this remarkable stone.