Fossilised Cave Bear Finger Bone


Fossilised Cave Bear Finger Bone ursus spelaeus from Romania

Size; 9.3cm long x 3.5cm widest point

Weight; 66gm      Ref No F147



Fossilised Cave Bear Finger Bone ursus spelaeus

This large fossilised Cave Bear finger bone, dates back to the Late Pleistocene period. This example is an especially good specimen, and measures 9.4cms long and is in excellent condition, and was found in the Carpathian Mountains, Romania.

The Cave Bear ursus spelaeus has been extinct for 24,000 years, they lived in Europe and also in Asia. This was a very large species of bear comparable in size to polar bears. Large males would have weighed in the region of 450 kilos, been up to 3.5 metres tall on their hind legs. These were powerful animals and young healthy animals would have had few if any natural predators.

Because bears chose to hibernate in caves, during dormancy in severe glacial winters many died. The fossil remains of those that died during dormancy are in an excellent state of preservation. The cave bears diet was thought to have been largely vegetarian. Over the course of time their teeth gradually evolved for this largely plant based diet. Brown Bears and Cave bears made use of caves for hibernation, Cave Bears however are thought to have spent time in caves all year round. In one cave systems in Romania excavations show the remains of over one hundred bears. Fittingly this particular cave now has the name ‘Bear Cave’.

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