New Jade Carving of Goddess Kuan Yin
Bowenite Kuan Yin Gemstone Carving a stunning form of serpentine 13cm tall
This is a superb and unique Bowenite Kuan Yin carving, the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, or the female Buddha. The carving is in Bowenite a form of antigorite, one of twenty different types of serpentine. This stone is also known as ‘New Jade’ as the appearance is very similar to jade. It is a beautiful, translucent stone with a soft green colour and the natural fissures contained within refract the light.
Serpentine is an attractive green stone in a variety of different shades. The actual name serpentine derives from the word ‘serpentinus‘ meaning ‘serpent rock’. The serpentine subgroup of minerals are classified as polymorphous and are mostly opaque but can also be translucent.
Kuan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, one who also helps those in need. She is also a protector and a celestial mother to all. She is one of the major deities in Buddhism, and sometimes known as the female Buddha.
This would be the perfect gift, either as an ‘object de art’ or for someone involved in meditation. This unique Quan Yin carving with its calming and peaceful presence would be a fine addition to any home.
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